

Printed Catalogue


£10 and £12 (incl. UK P&P)
£15 (incl. Worldwide P&P)


When you order a catalogue please include your full name and address, telephone number and email address if you have one


Payment for current and archive catalogue is by cheque only and should be made payable to Bleasdales Ltd.


Catalogue Enquiries

Robert Bleasdale 

t +44 (0)7983 304880


Mailing Address for Cheques

Bleasdales Ltd, The Stables,15 Imogen Gardens, Warwick, England CV34 6FB

Downloadable PDFs of Printed Catalogues

Bleasdales Winter Sewing Sale 22 November 2023
Bleasdales Catalogue Nov 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [5.3 MB]
Bleasdales Summer Sewing Sale 20 June 2023
Bleasdales Sewing Sale Catalogue June-20[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [7.4 MB]
Bleasdales Winter Sewing Sale Catalogue 23 November 2022
Adobe Acrobat document [10.1 MB]
Bleasdales Summer Sewing Sale Catalogue 15 June 2022
Bleasdales-Summer-2022-Sewing Sale.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [6.6 MB]
Bleasdales Winter Sewing Sale Catalogue 24 November 2021
Adobe Acrobat document [6.9 MB]
Bleasdales Summer Sewing Sale Catalogue 16 June 2021
Bleasdales Sewing Sale Summer 2021 Catal[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [5.2 MB]
Bleasdales Winter Sewing Sale Catalogue 18 Nov 2020
Adobe Acrobat document [5.1 MB]
Bleasdales Summer Sewing Sale Catalogue July 22 2020
Adobe Acrobat document [6.5 MB]

Buy Archive Printed Catalogues

We have lots of Archive Sewing Sale Catalogues on offer.


Click on the catalogue of the choice to find the year date and price
(which will include P+P).


You can then order via email (please include the year date) or call us on +44 (0)7983 304880.


The following archive Sewing Sale Catalogues are SOLD OUT:
1991, 1992,1993,1994 and 2005

Click on the catalogue below to view our Summer Sewing Sale 2024

Winter Sewing Sale 2023

A Box of Secrets

Robert Bleasdale explores the origins and hidden secrets of this rare box that was sold in our November 2022 sale for £6500 - click on the box to learn more...

Contact Us

+44 (0)7983 304880


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